The dream of Flight...

I've always been intrigued by flight simulations that supplied true freedom within their created environment. While most sims have missions, many do not have anything like an open form VR playground - you are usually confined in space or mission scope (sometimes both). An early excellent example of a true "free form" product was Microsoft's Flight Simulation 4.0. Find out more from the link below:
Check out the FS4 Webport
Back in 1997, when this site was first created; an amazing program developed by Disney Software was an initial section topic. Now, as I am again researching this unsurpassed piece of creative genius, the Stunt Island Section is coming roaring back... Currently on HIGH FOCUS, please check out:
A lot of messing with FS4 led me into something called FST: Flight Sim Toolkit in 1993. This has remained one "killer app" for me. Build the whole flight simulation environment! I've done a couple of projects now.

Well, quite a bit of energy went into this project in the late part 0f 2002...

Also look for these sections coming....
The most under-rated flight sim ever...
Carrier Command

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